Tuesday, 27 October 2009 | By: Gypsy Genes

Eagles...soaring or tethered?

Morning devotions are an inspiration for my day...today, it was 17 Ezekiel!
Wow!!  I was blown away by the parallelism between the time of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and Zedekiah and our current president in the United States. Please, take a few minutes and read 17 Ezekiel as I will make references to it without posting it in its entirety...it's only 24 verses. :D

Now that you've read it...I want to expound on the chapter. Verses 1-6 speak of the first eagle and the good that it did. The scripture refers to the Babylon King, Nebuchadnezzar, who 'planted'...or appointed Zedekiah to be king in Jerusalem. Zedekiah was to uphold the treaty between Babylon and Israel. This has been our country, it's leadership and our foundation up until now. Of course, we make allowances for the fact that decay has been creeping its way along and along regardless of our presidents and our foundational premise. Moreover, Zedekiah decided he would rather make a treaty with Egypt instead. But, I found it very intriguing: let's say that the first eagle represent the founders of America and succeeding leaders. They have always kept to the originial basis on which America was actually conceived. As our ancestors left Europe and sought new ground, a new way of life, they found and built it on the premise of serving God. It has been upheld and, in my belief, been the very reason for our success as a world power.

However, now, today, it appears that the eagle spoken of in verses 7-10 has come into play. This second eagle is destroying the foundation. This eagle is a misrepresentation of what was meant to be...it brings about destruction. As the second eagle has come, the vine has now changed its direction (v. 7,8). In vs. 9, the Lord says that 'this vine will not grow and prosper'. On down in vs. 10, it tells us that this vine will now wither away and die in the 'same good soil where it had grown so well.'

Our current leader, in my opinion, has brought about the same circumstances as this second eagle. Unfotunately, there are those that would say that any disagreements stem from racial issues. Those who know me, know that I am not concerned with race or gender...but, as a Christ follower, I do care about his political platforms. In the forefront, it is this:

* Intensify fight against terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan
* Withdraw from Iraq by 2010
* Negotiate with Iran, Syria, North Korea and Cuba
* Re-engage the US in Kyoto aimed at reducing C02 emissions
* Lower taxes for the poor and raise those on the rich (about time)
* Introduce a system of universal healthcare (long overdue to 50 million)
* Restore the leadership of the United States in space
* Improve education for children of poor families
* Combat poverty in the world
* Make illegal immigrants legal that are here and strengthen border controls

On those issues, things look promising...or should I say 'deceiving'?! It is the little foxes that spoil the vine (Song of Solomon 2:15...and in the end time, the very elect will be deceived if we do not have a relationship rooted and grounded in the Word of God(Matthew 24:24,25). The more exposed we are to something, the more desensitized we become to it...which brings me to what I don't see listed in his platform that he also supports which is:

*abortion...to make it worse, he supports it in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The Bible says not to commit murder (Exodus 20:13). A fetus is a living being (Psalm 139:13-17) and aborting that fetus is murder. For clarification, I do not support abortion unless it is between the life of the mother and the child. Ending the pregnancy by stopping the life of the fetus was not the desired intention, but in order to save the mother. If someone has already had an abortion, I certainly am not condemming them...what they have done, they can get forgiveness for--it is why Jesus died on the cross...to bring us forgiveness and salvation. I have also worked a pregnancy hotline...most were women who had had an abortion and in the aftermath, found they could not deal or live with what they had done. There are definitely other sources online to support this, but this site just put it all together:

*stem cell research (while this could benefit us medically, the probability that the methods would not be rigidly monitored and upheld put this in a very bad light for our society. Abortion is already a ready answer to unwanted pregnancies; we don't want it to become a means to an end in the sense that people get pregnant with the intention of being paid to abort a live fetus so that stem cell research can thrive.) See above scripture.

*gay and lesbians are now to become an open part of our military--in light of this, it is the same as men and women showering together...not to mention, military code refers to not leaving a man(woman) behind and trust between soldiers...of having each others back. Yes, there are gays/lesbians in the military...have been in the military, but it was not encouraged and certainly not openly practiced, per se. Now, we face issues of troops not having solidarity in battle because 1) A soldier could be cut and bleeding...will they help another that they know is gay when that person is also bleeding. Whereas before, there would have, theoretically, been no hesitation, now, not only will the likelihood of hesitation increase, but even the probability of one soldier not helping another. 2) Open shower bays...with gays and lesbians, the chances of all out brawling in the shower bay is more than not an absolute. Talk about destroying yourself from the inside out. Our military won't be able to stand against outside invaders because 'a house divided cannot stand'(Matthew 12:25-30)...it won't be able to unite in order to stand against terrorism or anything else. In addition, the month of June has now been designated as gay/lesbian month. This is not my opinion but the Word of God, (Romans 1:24-32) that this lifestyle will end in death and destruction. Just for arguments sake, yes, I have friends who are gay/lesbian...I love them. However, I do not condone their choice and while I hate the sin, I love the sinner. It is for me to spread the Word, but the judging is up to God.
This next url proves the point considerably...it is desensitizing, deceiving and putting us back on the same foundational basis as the 'world' rather than the principles of God. Again, these are the little foxes that spoil the vine because if we're not careful, we begin to question the authority of God--we become too educated and too sophisticated to believe the Word of God. As a result, we are ruled by statistics, popularity, science...or simply put, we add or take away from the Bible in order to make it fit around what we want to do. (Rev. 22:18,19)

*Universal Health Care Reform  and just as with abortion and infanticide (a child marked for abortion who is born alive can receive no medical care--check out the link in Abortion and Stem Cell Research), the growing concern in our nation is that this new Health Care Reform will be the same for our aging population. Once they are passed a certain age, they will be denied insurance, health care, medical treatment....a form of Euthanasia. You can get a first hand look at how the reform is presented...but it is what is 'between the lines' that bothers me. Just as, when you read the abortion link, they cited how our commander and chief lied about the stances on abortion.

*Indebtedness to China....don't even get me started!
“China won’t sell the U.S. debt now as that will only drive down Treasury prices, hurting not only the U.S. but also the value of its own investments,” said Shen Jianguang, a Hong Kong-based economist at China International Capital Corp., an investment bank partly owned by Morgan Stanley. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged China, while visiting officials in Beijing on Feb. 22, to continue buying U.S. debt, which she called a “safe investment.”
I'm just saying...but realistically, how will we ever manage to pay off this debt...will China allow us to and in effect that we don't, what will we have to pay since we are considered a 'safe investment'? What will be the cost to the people of the United States?
Is America for sale??

*Denied acknowledgement of Prayer Day
Our current leader, would not acknowledge National Prayer Day. It is said that he claimed to prefer to pray privately in his own home as he did every day.
Next on the agenda, "Islam on Capitol Hill 2009" --It is being promoted as a day of Islamic unity "to express and illustrate the wonderful diversity of Islam."

*Signing treaty for ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT
[A former science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher says the real purpose of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen on Dec. 7-18 is to use global warming hype as a pretext to lay the foundation for a one-world government.]
[Monckton argued that President Obama will sign the Copenhagen treaty at the December meeting, without seeking a two-thirds ratification of the treaty by the Senate, or any other type of Congressional approval.]

These things contribute to the moral, ethical and foundational breakdown on which the United States of America was founded...and has survived. So, this is what all came to my mind after reading 17 Ezekiel and the story of the 2 eagles.
As a nation...as a people...have we turned to the second eagle...are we on the verge of death and destruction? God be with us...


Sandra said...

Great thoughts....and now we need to stand up for what is right.....AND PRAY!

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