Wednesday 28 October 2009 | By: Gypsy Genes

"Courage is fear that has said its prayers!"

Share a time when you have prayed and found courage and strength. {I am strong and my heart takes courage, for I wait for and hope for and expect the Lord! Psalm 31:24} A testimony is a powerful thing.

I had been praying for boldness and opportunities to witness. As God is faithful to hear the cries of His children, He placed me in the position to have and do both at once. While sitting in one of my classes, my instructor brought up religion and the fact that he/she was agnostic and had not read the Bible. As his/her words sunk in, I felt the Lord's hand. I could feel God telling me that here was exactly what I had been praying the same time, fear and dread were quick to jump into the discussion going on inside my head. How on earth was I going to say or do anything where this instructor was concerned?? How I could risk my grades like that? What if she/he got angry? What if they rejected me and what I had to say without hearing me out? The more questions that popped up, the more fear snaked its way through me. There was no way I could do this...not to this person, not under these circumstances. NO WAY!

Then, as Jesus had commanded the storm to be still, it was as if I could feel His hand on my shoulder and the chaotic thoughts stilled as He began to speak. He reminded me of what I asked Him faith, that when I called on His name, that He would hear my cry and answer my prayers according to His will. He reminded me that fear was not of God and that He is faithful to finish what He starts. That while I was concerned for my grades, my grades were nothing when compared to a person's soul. He also brought to my remembrance that He, in His timing, calls His children to do the work for His Kingdom...we don't have to feel qualified or understand what He calls us to do, we just have to be obedient. I remember that in the middle of that fear, God spoke peace to me that passed all understanding...He calmed the storm. One of the many miracles that He performed so long ago as to be recorded in the Bible, He still performs them for you and me today. Jesus reminded me of many examples...the hearts condition in which the stony soil becomes fertile; how, in His timing, we can do, through Him, what we ordinarily could not do because He provides the way; how that if I refused to do this, that this person may miss their chance to learn of Jesus...and that it would be on my conscience. Most of all, He reminded me that I had faith to pray and believe in the prayer, and that as His child, I needed to stretch and grow in that faith believing that He was in control and that I had to do as He called me to do and leave the rest in His hands...

Okay. I prayed a quick prayer for guidance--to have God go before me as He did for David and after class and a deep breath, I approached my instructor.

I spoke to him/her about Jesus...asked if I got him/her a Bible, would he/she accept it? My instructor, a declared agnostic, after hearing what I had to say and offer, stood there for what felt like forever...then he/she looked at me and agreed. I wanted to jump for joy and run around the classroom. My spirit was singing praise unto God. I later brought him/her the Bible and many other materials to study. I can not tell you the outcome of this story, except to say that I did get an A in the class and that I still pray for this instructor. God called me at that moment to 'sow the seed'...I trust that someone else has or will water it and reap it. God allowed me the chance to 'sow into his/her life' and although I was afraid, God was and always is in control. It isn't about me...what I is about furthering the Kingdom of is about being obedient, knowing that through my weakness (fear) that God's strength is made known (courage to do what He has called me/us to do).

There are no coincidences only God Appointments!

Take heart and be encouraged through our Lord Jesus Christ!

Don't forget to share one of your times of courage...


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